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Istituto italiano di astrofisica - national institute for astrophisics

You are here: Home INAF News ADASS 2016 - Trieste

ADASS 2016 - Trieste

The annual Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems (ADASS) will be held 16-20 October at the Stazione Marittima Conference Centre, Trieste, Italy. The hosts of ADASS XXVI is the Trieste Astronomical Observatory (OATs) of the Italian national Institute of Astrophysics (INAF).

ADASS XXVI conference provides a forum for scientists and programmers concerned with algorithms, software and software systems employed in the acquisitions, reduction, analysis and dissemination of astronomical data.

The Stazione Marittima Conference Centre is located on a pier of the Trieste harbour, in the heart of town and within walking distance from restaurants, shopping areas, and main hotels.

The ADASS XXVI program will include invited talks, contributed papers, display sessions, tutorials, computer demonstrations, and special interest ("Birds of a Feather" or BoF) meetings. Further details about themes and invited speakers will be available shortly.

ADASS XXVI will be followed by the Interoperability Workshop of the IVOA(International Virtual Observatory Alliance), to be held21-23 October at the same venue (Stazione Marittima Conference Centre).

Conference website:

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