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You are here: Home INAF News III Italy-Ukraine Scientific Meeting “Are We Alone in the Universe?”

III Italy-Ukraine Scientific Meeting “Are We Alone in the Universe?”

A Virtual Conference on the Occasion of the Italian Research Day in the World

On June 9-11, 2020, the III Italy-Ukraine Conference celebrating the Italian Research Day in the World will be held, this year in a webinar format due to the COVID-19 emergency that made traveling impossible.

Organized at the initiative of the Embassy of Italy to Ukraine (Kyiv), V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (Ukraine), and INAF — National Institute of Astrophysics (Italy), the web meeting deals with the question: “Are We Alone in the Universe?”, a very topical issue addressed in different aspects: scientific, technological, astrophysical, philosophical, sociological, legal, historical, biological, futurological, theological, and many more.

16:00-17:45 Italian time or 17:00-18:45 Ukrainian time

The conference can be accessed at the following link.

The scientific reports by qualified specialists will be delivered with subtitles in Italian, Ukrainian, and English.

For more information, please read the Agenda (PDF, 7,82 Mb)


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