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You are here: Home INAF News The First Pietro Baracchi Conference

The First Pietro Baracchi Conference

Italo-Australian Radio Astronomy in the Era of the SKA. 1-4 November 2016, ARRC Building, Perth, Western Australia

This conference is designed to bring together Italian and Australian researchers in radio astronomy, to discuss and explore existing and potential future areas of mutual interest. The meeting will be open to all areas of interest in radio astronomy (science, engineering, and computing), with an emphasis on those areas playing a key role in the era of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) — a project in which both Italy and Australia are founding members.

The conference will be held at the modern ARRC building in Technology Park, Perth, and will feature both invited and contributed presentations, along with plenty of time for discussion and informal exchanges, an attractive social program, and visits to local facilities of relevance (including the Pawsey Centre, CSIRO, and ICRAR).

Named in honour of Pietro Baracchi, an Italian who played a central role in Australian astronomy in the late 1800s and early 1900s, this is planned to be the first in an ongoing series of meetings, alternating between Australia and Italy, covering a range of topics over time.

Sponsorship for this meeting is being generously provided by the Embassy of Italy in AustraliaSKA AustraliaCSIROICRARCurtin University, and INAF.

Subject to demand, we may be able to offer financial support for travel and/or accommodation. Please contact the organisers if you would like to seek financial assistance.

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