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You are here: Home INAF News The Italian Pathway to SKA

The Italian Pathway to SKA

First National Meeting on Science and Technology with SKA MIUR - Rome, 19-20 giugno 2012

The SKA (Square Kilometer Array) is a new revolutionary aperture synthesis radio telescope, that will combine signal from a network of antennas distributed over more than 3000 kilometres, to simulate a telescope having a collection surface equal to 1 square km and a large field of view.

The SKA will operate over a very large frequency range with a 50x sensitivity improvement over current radio telescopes and a 100x survey speed. The SKA project will develop innovative technology for receiving systems, signal transport and computing.

The SKA is a very ambitious and demanding project that requires world-wide financial support. On the other hand it will provide important technological advances, and a strong industrial return.

Italy is strongly interested in the SKA project, and is one of the countries that last November signed up for the SKA Organization, an independent body that will coordinate the design phases of the SKA project.

With the first National SKA Workshop (Rome, June 19-20) INAF intends to bring together the Italian community interested to the SKA project, to discuss both scientific and technological aspects of the project, and to explore possible collaborations.

The ultimate scope of the workshop is to provide a comprehensive picture of the existing SKA-related expertises and interests in Italy and to start exploring a possible Italian pathway to the SKA.

The workshop program includes both invited and contributed talks on all science/technology topics relevant for the SKA. Participants are invited to present to the community ideas/projects/activities of interest for the SKA, also in synergy with other astronomical facilities.

The deadline for registration and abstract submission is postponed to May 15th, 2012.

No registration fee will be asked to participants.

Organizing Committee

Luigina Feretti (INAF - IRA) - chair, Carlo Albanese (Telespazio), Salvatore Capozziello (Università Federico II di Napoli), Andrea Ferrara (Università Normale di Pisa), Giorgio Franceschetti (Università Federico II di Napoli), Bruno Marano (Università di Bologna), Francesca Matteucci (Università di Trieste), Corrado Perna (INAF - Sede Centrale), Ettore Perozzi (Telespazio), Isabella Prandoni (INAF - IRA), Andrea Possenti (INAF - OACagliari).


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