Scientific Advisory Panel 2011-2015
The Scientific Advisory Panel works in consultation with the Administrative
Advisory Panel on matters concerning the research carried out by INAF.
The Scientific Advisory Panel also proposes, at the request of the president,
long term (at least 10 years) directions for INAF's scientific and
technological research for submission to the Administrative Advisory Panel.
The members of the Scientific Advisory Panel:
- Prof.ssa Francesca Matteucci, President (appointed)
- Dott.ssa Silvia Masi (appointed)
- Dott.ssa Bianca Maria Poggianti (Macro-area 1)
- Prof. Enzo Brocato (Macro-area 2)
- Dott. Stefano Orsini (Macro-area 3)
- Dott. Stefano Covino (Macro-area 4)
- Dott. Pietro Schipani (Macro-area 5)
Resolutions of the Scientific Advisory Panel (in Italian)
The macro-areas
The macro-areas are the scientific framework within which the research projects of the institute are pursued. They are defined by resolution of the Administrative
advisory panel on the advice of the scientific advisory panel. The macro-areas are
made up of the institute's research staff, technologists and other research staff
from universities or other research bodies associated with INAF through no-charge
appointments, as layed out in the regulations of association.
The five macro-areas:
- Macro-area 1: Galaxies and cosmology
- Macro-area 2: Stars, stellar populations and interstellar medium
- Macro-area 3: Sun and Solar system
- Macro-area 4: Relativistic astrophysics and particles
- Macro-area 5: Advanced technologies and instrumentation
Useful documents:
- Resolution n.44/10 (in Italian)
- Membership form for the Macro-areas (in Italian)