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You are here: Home Notizie INAF Course on 'Astrophysical and Space Plasmas'

Course on 'Astrophysical and Space Plasmas'

The International School of Space Science of the Consorzio Interuniversitario per la Fisica Spaziale organizes a Course on “Astrophysical and Space Plasmas”, to be held in L’Aquila, Italy, September 02-08, 2012.

The International School of Space Science of the Consorzio Interuniversitario per la Fisica Spaziale organizes a Course on “Astrophysical and Space Plasmas”, to be held in L’Aquila, Italy, September 02-08, 2012, and directed by A. Ferrari, M. Tavani, B. Coppi and R. Rosner. 

The aim of the School is to present a comprehensive discussion of the plasma processes relevant to the astrophsyical context, from low energy phenomena in planetary systems to the very high energy objects recently discovered through X and gamma ray observatories. 
Introductory lectures will be dedicated to an analysis of observations available from ground and space observatories enlightening the thermal and non-thermal plasma processes necessary for their interpretation. At the same time the theoretical tools, analytical and numerical, necessary for their interpretation will be presented from an institutional point of view. Finally current models of the astrophysical objects and phenomena will be discussed with particular attention to the critical points with the objective of selecting new research lines. 

Applications are due before June 24, 2012 through the School website

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