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PLANMAP - Planetary Mapping

Abstract: We are living in a golden age for space exploration and the world-wide interest in planetary surface exploration, with particular regard to future robotic and human missions, is rapidly increasing. Many nations can maintain robust space programs that continuously provide a great amount of highly complex datasets. Geological maps provide the context for all observations and interpretations of surface and subsurface processes on any planetary body and their histories.

Nonetheless, planetary geological maps are still developed almost exclusively by a single research institute in the world (USGS-USA), resulting in exceedingly long publication delays among other grave disadvantages. Thus, it is high time to improve this situation in order to maximize the scientific output of planetary missions and improve the position of Europe in this context. PLANetary MAPping project (PLANMAP) aims at providing highly informative geological maps of the three main bodies of interest for European space missions in the next decade: Mars, Mercury

and the Moon. These maps will include spectral information, elemental composition, absolute ages and ground truth information. They will also provide the basis for subsurface 3D geological modelling, and will be disseminated using dedicated web-GIS software.

EU emblem PLANMAP has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776276.

Dettagli tecnici

Struttura INAF: IAPS

Bando: COMPET-4-2017

Riferimento contratto n. 776276

Inizio: 01/03/2018

Durata: 36 mesi






JacobsUni (DE)

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Si è concluso oggi a Roma, presso l’Aula Magna del Rettorato della Sapienza Università di Roma, il meeting annuale dello Euclid Consortium, che riunisce la comunità internazionale coinvolta nella missione Euclid dell’Agenzia Spaziale Europea

Si è concluso oggi a Roma, presso l’Aula Magna del Rettorato della Sapienza Università di Roma, il meeting annuale dello Euclid Consortium, che riunisce la comunità internazionale coinvolta nella missione Euclid dell’Agenzia Spaziale Europea