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Abstract: 2-3SST2016-17 is the "Second and third funding line in 2016 and 2017 for the further development of a European SST Service provision function” project proposed under H2020 funding by the EUSST Consortium composed of five participating Member States in coordination with the EU SatCen.

The project starts on 01/10/2017 and is composed of a Part I planned for a duration of 15 months until 31/12/2018 and Part II planned for a duration of 36 months until 30/09/2020. The aim is twofold: (1) to continue to support the pooling of national resources on the SST objectives outlined in the Decision No 541/2014/EU in accordance with the Action Plan outlined in the EUSSTFPA and (2) continue to support the SST evolution needs in line with the objectives and challenges of Horizon 2020 related to protecting Europe´s investment made in space infrastructure.

This will be performed by (1) consolidating the EUSST functions and SST capability at European level, supported by the implementation of an Integrated Management for all SST2016-17 project whose core elements are in 2-3SST2016-17 and (2) the improvement of the EUSST functions and capabilities, in accordance with the Action Plan outlined in the EUSSTFPA, consisting in both studies and upgrades of identified sensors controlled by the EUSST Member States with the aim to investigate and perform improvement of the EUSST functions and capabilities.

The project is organised in 9 Work Packages (Project Administration, Projects´ Management, Governance, Consolidation of the sensor function, Consolidation of the processing function, Consolidation of the service function and user coordination, Studies on Future Environment and Trade-off, Studies on sensor and processing capabilities, Development Plan and Upgrades) each with a specific timeline and under the main responsibility of one Consortium partner and supervised by the Project Coordinator (DLR). An additional WP is set to comply with ethics requirements.

The main project milestones are foreseen at M9, M15 (Final Review for Part I, Mid-Term Review for Part II), M27 and M36 (Final Review for Part II).

EU emblem 2-3SST2016 has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 785257.

Dettagli tecnici

Strutture INAF: IRA, OA Cagliari, OAS

Bando: H2020-SGA-Space-SST3-2016-2017

Riferimento contratto n. 785257

Inizio: 01/10/2017

Durata: 36 mesi






UK Space Agency (UK)





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Si è concluso oggi a Roma, presso l’Aula Magna del Rettorato della Sapienza Università di Roma, il meeting annuale dello Euclid Consortium, che riunisce la comunità internazionale coinvolta nella missione Euclid dell’Agenzia Spaziale Europea

Si è concluso oggi a Roma, presso l’Aula Magna del Rettorato della Sapienza Università di Roma, il meeting annuale dello Euclid Consortium, che riunisce la comunità internazionale coinvolta nella missione Euclid dell’Agenzia Spaziale Europea