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A proposal for coordinating & supporting policy development of the global organisation of the Square Kilometre Array

Abstract: The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) is a revolutionary telescope programme that will address a broad range of key science areas in astronomy and fundamental physics. For the past 2.5 years, radio astronomers and funding agencies have joined forces to explore the legal, policy, and technical framework required for the SKA in a Preparatory Phase study called PrepSKA. The principal deliverable of the PrepSKA project is an implementation plan that forms the basis of a funding proposal to governments to start the construction of the SKA. The end of PrepSKA is now approaching, and a number of major decisions need to be made so that the international SKA project can progress to the Pre-Construction Phase (2012-15). These decisions include approval of funding for the Pre-Construction activities, the establishment of a legal entity for the SKA Organisation, and the selection of the SKA site. The decisions and the ensuing developments will have significant impact on the organisation of the SKA project and raise new topics to be investigated, in order to narrow down and implement the governance, funding and procurement options delivered by the PrepSKA policy work packages. The purpose of this proposal, called GO-SKA, is to investigate and provide guidance at policy-level to the global SKA, so that it can prepare the international SKA organisation for construction and operation of the SKA in 2016. Whereas PrepSKA has assembled the best options for SKA, GO-SKA will focus on the further development and implementation during the next stage of development of the SKA. GO-SKA will:

- broaden and strengthen the involvement of funding agencies and governments around the globe

- establish world-wide partnerships between industry and SKA

- prepare the establishment of global governance for the SKA organisation

- develop strategies to further define the conditions by which non-scientific benefits from large scale research infrastructures can best be integrated into investment decision-making.

Dettagli tecnici:

Struttura INAF: Dipartimento Progetti
Riferimento: contratto n. 283632
Inizio: 1-11-2011
Durata: 36 mesi


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Il volume, a cura di Emilia Olostro Cirella, Laura Abrami, Giovanna Caprio, Francesca Perrone e Donatella Randazzo sarà presentato all'Istituto centrale per la patologia degli archivi e del libro, giovedì 6 febbraio

Il volume, a cura di Emilia Olostro Cirella, Laura Abrami, Giovanna Caprio, Francesca Perrone e Donatella Randazzo sarà presentato all'Istituto centrale per la patologia degli archivi e del libro, giovedì 6 febbraio