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Advanced Radio Astronomy in Europe

Abstract: RadioNet is an integrating activity that has pulled together ALL of Europe's leading radio astronomy facilities to produce a focused, coherent and integrated proposals that will significantly enhance the quality and quantity of science perfomed by European astronomers. RadioNet FP7 has 25 partners. They range from operators of major radio telescope facilities to laboratories that specialise in micro-electronics. This proposal has brought these institutes together in a unique partnership that builds and extends on RadioNet FP6. The programme of work includes: 7 Networking activities, 4 joint research activities and 9 transnational access projects. The three main objectives are to: (i) provide European astronomers access to world-class radio astronomy facilities; (ii)embark on a research and development plan that will further enhance and improve these facilities, and (iii) nurture and support a rapidly growing community of radio astronomers and engineers, so that can fully exploit the upgraded and next generation radio facilities that will become available over the next few years.

Dettagli tecnici:

  • Struttura INAF: Dipartimento Progetti
  • Bando: FP7-Infrastructures-2008-1
  • Riferimento: 227290
  • Inizio: 01/01/2009
  • Durata: 36 mesi
  • Coordinamento: ASTRON
  • Partners
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